On the other hand, the problem of exertion of the judicial power in the constitutional supervision needs to be studied. 另一方面,宪法监督中司法权运用问题的研究亟待加强。
In this sense, the discussion that the influence of Kelsen s pure theory of law to right exertion of legislative power and limitation of Kelsen s theory is very important. 在这种意义上,我们探讨凯尔森的“纯粹法学”对立法权正当行使的影响,并揭示其理论的限度就显得十分必要。
However, once the administrator's exertion of power disobeys the law, the restriction of the administrator will become a formidable task. 但是,当监管者行使监管权力偏离法律的正当预期时,对监管者的规制就成为一项不可或缺而且艰巨的任务。
The exertion of the ruling power of the Communist Party depends on large amount of effective resources, among which "ideological ruling resource" plays an important role. 党的执政能力的发挥,必须依托大量有效的资源,其中“意识形态执政资源”发挥着无形而又巨大的作用。
The exertion of state emergency power involves all state organs, and the constitutionalism principle of check and balance must change into cooperation in order to collect all state machinery to cope with the crisis. 国家紧急权力的行使涉及到所有的国家机关,三权分立的宪政原则要在一定程度上转变为三权合作,以便集中所有的国家机器来应对危机。
Therefore, we should renew our understanding of the process of the exertion of legislative power, that is, we should catch on the exertion of legislative power in the category of becoming of law. 因此,我们应当对立法权行使的过程进行重新理解,应当在法的生成这个范畴中来理解立法权的正当行使。
The second section is bout modes of exertion of the amending power. 第二章论述修宪权行使的原则与界限。
The establishment and perfection of supervising and restrictive mechanism can normalize the exertion of power, promote the vitality of supervision, and effectively penalize corruption phenomenon. 建立和完善权力运作的监督制约机制可以规范权力运作行为,增强监督活力,从而有效地惩治腐败。
Based on two hypotheses, the former deems that man constitutionally bears social and political attributes and that the distribution and exertion of the public power should take the public happiness as the springboard; 前者的论证建立在两个假设之上,认为人天生具有社会和政治属性,公共权力的分配和行使是为了公共利益,是从整体的幸福为出发点;
The core of how to regulate rests with standardizing the exertion of the administrative power by means of legislative criterion, judicial review and improving occupational competence of the administrative functionaries. 行政合理性控制的核心内容是通过立法规范、司法审查、提高行政机关工作人员的职业素质来规范行政权的行使。
It is important in theory and practice to discuss the right exertion of legislative power in China today. 在中国当下大立法时代探讨立法权正当行使具有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义。
In respect of the criminal justice and the exertion of the procuratorial power, the policy requirement of built of the harmonious society has distinct pertinence and practical significance. 在刑事司法及检察权的行使问题上,提出构建和谐社会的政策性要求具有很强的针对性和实际意义。
The virtual function of law generally focuses on regulating the exertion of rights and power. 法律的主要价值在于规范和控制权利或权力的行使。
Implementation of administering power will limit, re-strict and control the exertion of power with laws and regulations, and prevent and reduce the official crimes caused by abusing power. 治权可以通过法律和制度约束、限制、控制权力的行使,预防和减少因权力滥用而滋生的职务犯罪。
City house renovation is an absolutely necessary issue in the course of the economic development, and it is concerned with the exertion of government power and the protection of citizen rights. 城市房屋拆迁是社会发展必不可少的环节之一,涉及到政府权力的行使和公民权利的保障。
On Built of the Harmonious Society and the Exertion of the Procuratorial Power 构建和谐社会与行使检察权
By contrast, the latter holds that the distribution and exertion of the public power are for the sake of the individual and that the public power comes into being on the basis of agreement. 后者则认为人是个人式的,公共权力的分配和行使是为了个人利益,公共权力是在契约的基础上产生。
If one society wants to maintain the good order, one country wants to have a governmental administrative system with a rational structure, coordinated operation, flexibility and high efficiency, it must resort to the exertion of a strong administrative power. 一个社会要想维持良好的秩序,一个国家要想有结构合理、运转协调、灵活高效的政府管理体系,就必须要凭借具有强制性力量的行政权力的运用。
In order to cope with the confusion due to the combination of the two kinds of interpretation powers, we should advocate the independent exertion of the judicial interpretation power. 针对两种解释权力的联合所出现的司法权的混乱,我们应当提倡司法解释权力行使的独立原则。
Chapter 3 points out, by analyzing public power as the basis of public decision-making, the aim of the exertion of public power is the realization of public aim and maintenance of social justice. 第3章通过分析作为公共决策基础的公共权力,指出行使公共权力的目标是实现公共目标,维护社会正义。维护社会正义的直接表现就是实现社会资源和社会财富的公正分配。
Many problems exist in Chinese current procuratorial administration system such as pan-administrative, localization, non-standardization, and make against effective exertion of the procuratorial power and professionalizing of the procurators. 我国现行检察管理体制存在泛行政化、地方化、非规范化等问题,不利于检察权的有效行使和检察队伍的职业化。
The third chapter analyzes problems and defects in the exertion of the power; 第三章挖掘基本法律修改权行使中存在的问题以及潜在弊端;
Thus, in order to ensure original intention that law endows with exertion of the power of freedom, power and right should restrict it. 因此,为保证法律赋予行政自由裁量权行使的初衷,自由权力的行使应受到权力和权利的制约。
"Administration according to law" can be basically defined as the exertion of the governmental power and the conduct of the governmental administrative activities. 依法行政的基本含义在于政府必须依法行使行政权力或从事行政管理活动。
It is mainly shown as: one is that taxation justice is lacking in independence, which restricts the exertion for the function of tax judicial power. 主要表现在:一是税收司法缺乏独立性,限制了税收司法权的作用发挥。
In addition to that, authority, exertion of power, local curriculum policy professional support and curriculum social evaluation, all these affect the curriculum implementation publicly or recessively. 权威、权力的运用,地方课程政策、社会团体的专业支持和课程的社会评价等,这些超越学校的外部因素与内部因素相互作用,对课程实施产生着显性的或隐性的影响。
Some specific standards and requirements, which the normative exertion of penalty power inside enterprise, were put forward based on enterprise clearly enjoy penalty power inside enterprise. 在明确企业享有内部处罚权的基础之上,提出了企业规范行使内部处罚权的的具体标准和要求。
The object of adjudication of constitutional petition mainly is the exertion or inexertion of public power when the basic rights that listed in the constitution are abused. 宪法诉愿的审判对象主要是,韩国宪法上保护的基本权被公权力侵害时,该公权力的行使和不行使。
The correlative legislation is more illegibility and wider on the requirements of the content, exertion condition and exertion processes of administrative discretionary power. 相关立法对行政自由裁量权的内容、行使条件、行使程序的规定也是相当模糊和宽泛的。
Part 3, the manifestation and exertion of teachers 'power in classroom teaching. 第三部分,课堂教学中教师权力的表现形式及其行使状况。